of Soul
Continue Mission: Remembrance and Healing on Memorial Day
My wife and I took our girls to an amazing local Memorial Day ceremony. Our daughters are young, and we feel so strongly about imparting the gravity of this day to them as early as possible…
The Golden Shield
Today we enter a new year and a new decade. And as many of us do during these times of monumental significance, as I find myself reflecting on who I am, who I’ve been, and who I perhaps will be, I ask myself a few questions. ..
My Kung: Spirituality in the Martial Arts
I began my life in the traditional martial arts when I was twelve—but did not truly find my own spirituality within it until much later…
God is Love: Religion and Secularism in America
Can religion and secularism coexist harmoniously in our society? Can we ever get past the underlying social and political warring that seems to so often rear its head between the religious and the not…
Resurrecting the Philosophical Mind
The single greatest contribution to existence that humanity has and can continue to offer is the human mind. Untapped knowledge and wisdom, as vast and limitless as the universe itself, exists within our individual and collective potential—and we have only barely opened the door…